
Click the video to get Dr. Daniel's short video update - or click HERE.

June Was Incredible! 1,000+ Children Fed & Offered Hope & A Future!

Missions team "Hill City Church" from Mansfield, TX came and brought VBS to 3 public schools and 2 mobile feeding projects. In all, we touched 1,000+ kids through the month!

*Dr. Daniel spoke at the International CCPI24 Conference to pastors, church planters, and business leaders this month.

*SMILES! We are feeding children, constructing our outdoor kitchen that feeds up to 300 people per hour, and dehydrating superfoods.


*Summer winds struck three sections of our greenhouse and we're working to fix the $5,400 repair work. You can help HERE.

 Please consider partnering with our work monthly for $5 or $10 per month. You will not be disappointed.  Click HERE.






A quick overview from Dr. Daniel Daves

Friend and Partner,

We are headed into an incredible year of expansion and multiplication through training third world leaders. 

Farming, dehydrating, educating, and serving third world communities is HARD work. But we are seeing transformation and lasting fruit. God is blessing His project.  

We are bringing in interns, missions teams, and international leaders in 2024 for critical, timely training and empowering. We would love to see you this year. Bring friends, co-workers, or your church members. Send your young people who are on Summer break.  

We press forward in expansion and training mode.  The cost is high. But the people need God's mercy and help.  Let's reach them together.

Thank you for your prayers and any support you can muster this year. We continually see that God rewards those who give to the poor. He honors and blesses those who help His little ones, His widows, and His orphans.  This is the highest call of humanity.  

Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.

Tracy and I can't wait to connect face to face, and high five you personally. Maybe we'll see you in the USA, or maybe we can get you to Panama for a week. Regardless, know that we value your friendship and we pray for you often. God richly bless you.

Please also pray for 1) divine health and strength, 2) provision to repair a blown vehicle transmission (we are down to one vehicle between 3 of us, 3) laborers to come into the harvest fields. We need retired couples, young people, English teachers, drivers, construction professionals, nurses, educators of basic living, job creators, and more! Will you consider answering the call? Contact me personally.


Dr. Daniel & Tracy Daves, Global Food Providers, Chiriqui, Panama



Click HERE to see our 100x expansion programs to reach farther, educate more leaders, and bring food security to widows, orphans and the extremely malnourished.

Matt. 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

If you are not yet a monthly supporter, we appreciate your partnership. Consider a 3 month trial partnership of any amount. You are directly helping those in great need. You can sign up monthly HERE.

We are feeding malnourished children. Thank you for your partnership! Together we are changing the world, one smiling face at a time. These kids live in abject poverty. They live in great poverty and their diets consist of rice, beans, plantains, and maybe a little chicken once per week. We are changing their lives with superfood nutrition and powerful protein. Their grades change, their personalities change, they sleep through the night, and they can make it past 4.1 years (national average) of school, all the way through college.