We are expanding 100x this year. We are multiplying the vision for the third world to feed their widows, orphans, and extremely malnourished. We educate from our prototype farm in Panama through educational videos, live-stream seminars, and traveling to international leadership conferences. Each time we activate a community leader, we all win. More teams are developed, more people are fed, and more food security is offered in the poorest of nations.
You can make a huge impact! Partner with us to construct much-needed infrastructure in 2024.
(book available on Amazon.com)
If you have the power to help us with these expansion projects, we are so honored to partner with you. Together we feed the poor and educate leaders to seize control of food in their areas. Thank you in advance!
1. You can partner together with a monthly donation for as many months as you wish. CLICK HERE.
2. You can fund one or more of these projects in part or in its entirety. (Choose your project below, and donate in increments of $10 here (below) on the website, or CLICK HERE and send a note with your donation through Paypal, letting us know which project you wish to help fund.)
3. We can work together to build a team of office members, church members, business owners, etc., and organize a creative fundraiser to conquer one or more of these projects. Contact Dr. Daniel on Whatsapp at +507-6121-0591 or email info@globalfoodproviders.com to start a creative project.
Download our PDF files of each project to get the full details, by clicking the links below:
THANK YOU in advance!
Proverbs 19:17 (NIV) 17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD,
and he will reward them for what they have done.