Emergency Rice & Beans As Panama Descends Into Chaos
Emergency Rice & Beans As Panama Descends Into Chaos
Emergency Rice & Beans As Panama Descends Into Chaos
Emergency Rice & Beans As Panama Descends Into Chaos
Emergency Rice & Beans As Panama Descends Into Chaos

Emergency Rice & Beans As Panama Descends Into Chaos

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You can make a huge impact right now!  Panama is melting down with protests & riots.  Government corruption, international corporate land grabs, inflation, doctors, nurses, and teachers unpaid for months, and lack of medical supplies, have driven Panamians to the brink. Most of the main roads are shut down. People can't get to work.  In Panama, if you can't work, you have no cash and can buy no food, gas, or hygienic supplies. After over a month of chaos, desperation sets in. In Chiriqui, Panama there is zero cooking propane and fuel is hard to find. Shortages of food supplies are found everywhere.


If you have the power to help us purchase rice and beans for the coming weeks, we are so thankful.  Widows, orphans, unemployed poor families, and the extremely poor are the first to suffer horribly when the food, fuel, medical systems, and supply chains break.  There are a few supplies remaining, but not much. When it's gone, it's gone. At this time, there are very few trucks with fuel and food coming our way.

This is our finest hour, and this is our time to shine brightly, bringing hope, peace, and calm to those in great need, along with nutrition.  We have the dehydrated superfoods ready to go. We just need rice and beans to complete the meal.   When you partner with us either one time or with a monthly donation, you are directly feeding those who could otherwise not feed themselves. May God bless you for your partnership!

We can feed a family of 14 for $10 per day. We are sourcing thousands of pounds of rice, beans, vegetables, cooking oil, salt, sugar, milk, and coffee.  These supplies are going towards very needy families who are incapable of saving themselves. We're literally the hand of God's supply, mercy, and hope for these families, widows, and orphans in our area. We are on location, on time, and shining with hope, love, life, and food!

You can partner with us to feed families this week.  If you would like to partner with us monthly for 90 days+, please click this link and Paypal will show you how to make an auto payment each month. CLICK HERE.

Proverbs 19:17 (NIV) 17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD,
and he will reward them for what they have done.

Here are some links to the nation's protests:


