Thank you for your donation For Christine.

We want to sincerely thank you for your donation For Christine Adair in Panama. Without partners like you, she simply cannot do what she is doing. Running 60 - 70 hours per week in the 3rd world requires alot of people and partners. And you are the jet engine that keeps Christine going, providing fuel for her vehicle, food, rent, insurance, insurance & residency status.   You are awesome!

If you don't mind, Christine will make sure that you're on her monthly Family Mailing List. She wants you to see live photos, videos and information about what's happening on the ground from her point of view. Be looking in your email box for her monthly mailer.

Global Food Providers is a subsidiary of Children's Feeding Network, and we are nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation, #48-0971077.  All donations are tax deductible. 

Please let us know if we can do anything for you. Also consider coming to visit. Bring a team for a week. Join one of our kitchen construction or indigenous home building projects.  We'll have a blast. 

Remember that God blesses those who care for his kids and moms.  

Proverbs 11:24. One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.  A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

If you would like to reach out to Christine, you can connect through the free Whatsapp App on your phone at +1-205-540-4840 or send her an email at: 


Dr. Daniel & Tracy Daves, Directors - Global Food Providers